The futures contracts sugar closed mixed this Monday (8), on international stock exchanges. In New York, the batch maturing in July/20 retreated 8 points and was firmed at 11.94 cents per pound. The expiration date for October/20 closed at 12.03 cents per pound, down 6 points. The contracts for March/21 and May/21 retreated, respectively, 4 and 1 pts. The other salaries of sugar gross appreciated between 1 and 4 points.

In London futures contracts sugar white also closed mixed. Contracts for August/20 were set at US$ 387.30 a ton, down by US$5.60. Lots for October/20 were signed at US$ 369.50 a ton, a decrease of 3.50 dollars. The other maturities fluctuated between a drop of 1.90 dollars and an increase of 10 cents on the dollar.

domestic market

Yesterday (8), in São Paulo, a 50 kg bag of sugar crystal closed at R$ 76.02, according to the Cepea/Esalq indicator, from USP, down 1.69% when compared to the value practiced on Friday (5).


The daily indicator of ethanol hydrated, measured by Esalq/BM&FBovespa, post Paulínia, closed this Monday at R$ 1,705.50 a cubic meter, up 1.64% when compared to Friday's value. This was the 6th consecutive appreciation of the indicator.

Source: UDOP News Agency

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